Yours Wallet

Yours Wallet
for Developers

A powerful browser extension wallet with comprehensive developer APIs for BSV, Ordinals, and BSV20 tokens.

Seamless Payments

One-Click Payments

Accept payments with minimal code. Just pass an Anypay invoice ID and let Yours wallet handle the rest.

  • Automatic wallet connection
  • Invoice validation
  • Real-time transaction status

Quick Payment Integration

Create and pay invoices with Yours wallet in just a few lines of code.

import { useYoursWallet } from 'yours-wallet-provider'
import { AnypayClient } from '@anypay/sdk'

// Self-payment example
async function createAndPaySelfInvoice() {
  const wallet = useYoursWallet()
  const anypay = new AnypayClient()
  // 1. Connect wallet if needed
  if (!wallet.isConnected) {
    await wallet.connect()
  // 2. Get your BSV address from wallet
  const { address } = await wallet.getAddress()
  // 3. Create a new invoice
  const invoice = await anypay.createInvoice({
    outputs: [{
      to: address,
      amount: 10000, // 10,000 satoshis
      currency: 'BSV'
  // 4. Pay the invoice with wallet
  const txid = await wallet.send({
    to: invoice.address,
    amount: invoice.amount,
    currency: invoice.currency
  return { txid, invoice }

Try creating and paying a 10,000 sat invoice:

Easy Integration

Get started quickly with our React provider package. Simple setup, comprehensive features.

npm i yours-wallet-provider

import { YoursProvider } from "yours-wallet-provider";

const App = () => (
    <YourApp />


Send BSV, manage UTXOs, and handle wallet connections.


Inscribe, transfer, and purchase ordinals seamlessly.


Full support for BSV20 token operations and transfers.


Built-in social profile integration and management.

Built for Developers

Event Handling

Comprehensive event system for wallet interactions including account switches and connection states.

wallet.on('switchAccount', () => {
  // Handle account change

Utility Functions

Built-in utilities for common operations like message signing, encryption, and transaction broadcasting.

const signed = await wallet.signMessage(

TypeScript Ready

Full TypeScript support with comprehensive type definitions for a better development experience.

import type { 
} from 'yours-wallet-provider'

Ready to Get Started?

Install the Yours wallet extension and start building today.